How Do THRIVE DFT and THRIVE Patch Work? A Scientific Comparison


Le-Vel’s THRIVE Experience includes two products. The first is the THRIVE DFT. It is an all serving to promote health. Both products facilitate the delivery of essential nutrients through the skin via transdermal nutrient delivery, which does not employ oral supplementation. While similar in nature, they function and have objectives that differ from one another. To better understand how each device works, along with its transdermal nutrient delivery system and scientific support, this article discusses the technology behind each device.

Transdermal nutrient delivery?

The THRIVE DFT and Patch use this technology to infuse vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts directly into the bloodstream. This stops spikes and drops of vitamin levels associated with orally taken supplements. The DFT and Patch focus their efforts on different health areas depending on their contents and recipes .

Derma Fusion Technology (Thrive DFT): A Closer View

Le-Vel’s owned proprietary transdermal technology is THRIVE DFT. The “Derma Fusion Technology” allows for releasing active compounds over the course of a day into the body, providing an infusion of nutrients. Pills and shakes designed for weight loss, vitality, and wellness are included in the THRIVE Experience; the DFT patch is found inside.

Comparison of THRIVE Patch

Another transdermal product offered by Le-Vel is the Thrive Patch, which, just like the THRIVE DFT, delivers nutrients through the skin, although it aims to deliver general well-being as opposed to weight loss and energy improvement.

The THRIVE Patch contains antioxidants, vitamins, plant extracts, and CoQ10, which boost cellular energy. It is more geared towards sustained energy and wellness rather than fat loss. This THRIVE Patch can be used to supplement current health practices to increase energy and improve immunological function and focus.

Each Product’s Transdermal Nutrient Delivery

The matrix of chemicals in the THRIVE DFT and THRIVE Patch penetrate the skin quite gently. In principle, the nutrition delivery technique of each patch may also vary depending on the formulation and desired benefits.

Both products start with clean, dry skin and patches. The adhesive layer on the patch allows active chemicals to penetrate the skin. According to size and composition, these chemicals penetrate the stratum corneum. Once they have passed through the epidermal layer, the chemicals get absorbed into the bloodstream, from where they exert their effects.

Scientific Evidence for Transdermal Administration

Research in transdermal nutrition delivery, primarily in the pharmaceutical industry, is gaining momentum. Studies established that transdermal patches deliver nicotine and hormones safely and dependably. Among these nutri-patches, some examples include THRIVE DFT and the THRIVE Patch, which are based on this method of vitamins and health goods.

Application transdermal avoids the digestive system, where some nutrients are broken down before utilization. Digestion reduces oral bioavailability for ForsLean, while maintaining steady and potent dosing over time using transdermal administration. The patches are well suited for compounds such as CoQ10 or chlorogenic acid, in which sustained levels are required in the bloodstream.

Choosing a Product for Your Wellness Goals

What does decide is that it is their health goals wherein they prefer to get the THRIVE DFT or the THRIVE Patch. Since the DFT has these fat-burning and metabolism-boosting ingredients, it might help most in managing one’s weight and curbing hunger pangs. The CoQ10 and antioxidants in the THRIVE Patch, meanwhile, seem to be most advantageous when it comes to overall health support, energization, and cellular well-being.

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